EL DORADO GOLD Personal Development
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” - GOLD will help you define your goals so you CAN
measure your drive to success and manage it as you progress.
GOLD has no guarantee of fame and stardom. The only guarantee is that with every blemish on its many
faces comes the certainty that you are one step closer to where you want to be.
GOLD sets you one big challenge to start with. When you get delivery of your very own GOLD EL
DORADO, the hardest decision to make is whether to preserve it in its pristine beauty or take it out and
belt the living ‘bejesus’ out of it.
Whichever decision you make, it will help you achieve success.
As a coach or team manager, you want to achieve the same things for your team as each team member
wants to achieve for themselves and more. Because EL DORADO is based primarily on self assessment,
you can use your management skills to encourage an after-hours regime of training that can pay
massive dividends.
There are many ways to incentivize the use of EL DORADO GOLD in your quest for success.
One suggestion is that you have just a handful of GOLDs that you can use during training sessions.
You can then allocate the GOLDs to team members to take home with them for a set period of time.
This does two things –
It gives each player a sense of responsibility when in charge of a precious item and
It provides an incentive to the player to lift their game in their own time and space and to take
individual credit for their achievements
You will need to encourage each team member to record their statistics and to download their
achievement certificates as they proceed. They can, if they wish, present their certificates to their peers
at their training sessions. They can also post their attempts on social media.
You can also encourage team members to video their attempts so they can post their winning hits on
social media.
All these measures are to encourage high end performance from ALL players regardless of their abilities
and to support team building.
REWARDING team members who try their hardest by presenting them with their very own GOLD will
encourage efforts from all team members to win.
As team coaches and managers, we know that you understand the value of allocating winning
achievements without prejudice. There is no doubt that you will have players who make up for
challenges by applying themselves over and above expectations. These players often prove themselves
when the chips are down. Treasure their achievements and reward them. Their peers will be proud and
supportive if you encourage them to do so.
As you proceed, you will start to recognize those team members who begin to come out from under.
These are the ones you want and need for the future of your organization – Encourage them.
(Take a moment to look again at the image above. Check the person on the right of screen. All they are
offering is gentle yet firm guidance and yet their power is immense)
How does EL DORADO work for LIFE SKILLS?
Let’s talk about the ‘sports’ of lifetime skills, careers skills and human resources in business and in life.
We use the word ‘SPORT’ in connection with life skills training without any reservations.
“EL DORADO GOLD is a possession. It is an item of beauty. It is a tempter. It is a system. It is a friend. It
is an inspiration”.
EL DORADO GOLD is a beautifully hand-crafted item that commands a presence wherever it sits. To be
awarded one means that you have achieved above and beyond what is expected of you. It begs to be
questioned by every passerby and you have to be proud to answer each question. To be awarded more
than one is extraordinary and as each one fits neatly with the next one, you can measure your race to
stardom by your beehive of success.
It represents the many facets of psychological and physical development that can lead to a more
powerful and successful YOU.
“The six sides of your GOLD powerhouse represent Ambition, Instinct, Perseverance, Tenacity,
Achievement, and Drive, combining together to make YOU a True Champion.”
You’re an experienced HR specialist and people manager.
You understand people and their individual personalities.
You know that to manage effectively, you need to measure each situation.
Here’s one way to do just that -
You select one team member who has achieved over and above expectations
You grant them a 1% pay rise
You present them with a Special Corporate Branded BRONZE EL DORADO
You encourage them further on performance with another pay rise and a Special Corporate
You continue up the line to the Ultimate Special Corporate Branded GOLD EL DORADO
You let human nature take its course with their peers and then using your instincts . . .
MEASURE and MANAGE your team
We all know the value of a powerful workforce. We can capture this power by paying our teams well, by
rewarding good performance, by effective communication and, of course, by a combination of all of
We are currently working on specific methodologies however we are keen to learn as much as we can
about your specific needs.
Genesis Promotions (Aust) Pty Ltd has a very long history of corporate marketing and advertising with
some of Australia’s most powerful organizations. We understand the value of supporting in-house and
consultancy programs with seamless integration. We can also provide stand–alone methodologies for
incentivisation and marketing.
Talk to us about the many ways we can support your endeavours and the incentives we can provide for
your business enterprise and / or community.
Please contact us
When you want success so bad you can taste it . . .
$300 AUD
One off investment includes delivery anywhere
(Please allow two weeks to despatch)